Cherophobia: Two Greek terms "Chiaro" and "Phobos" come together to form this word which means the fear of happiness. Weird, right?

Are You The Only One with Cherophobia? It may seem like it's uncommon, however, it is a type of anxiety disorder that can plague the happy hormones.

Why Do People Avoid Happiness? - To avoid jinxing their happiness, - Feeling like you do not deserve it, - Past experiences, - As a self-defense mechanism

Symptoms You Have Cherophobia: - Avoiding joyful situations, - Feeling uneasy in happy moments, - Believing things are "too good to be true", -low self-worth

A 30-Day Challenge Which Can Help You Treat Cherophobia: Try a 30-day challenge that can help you deal with cherophobia. Let a 30-day guide help you savor joy.