What Are The Organs On Left Side Of The Body

Organs On The Left Side Of The Body

The Left Hemisphere Of The Brain

Organs on the left side of the body include the left hemisphere of the brain as well. This weighs only about three pounds. The brain is considered a highly complex part of the body.

The Left Ear

We all know the unction of the ear – it is able to sense vibrations in the air and then distinguish its volume and pitch. The pitch refers to the frequency of the sound waves, while the volume refers to the intensity of the sound.

The Left Eye

The eyes are known to process light from the surrounding environment and then send that information back to the optical nerve of the brain.

Left Lung

The lungs are breathing apparatuses. They are known to take in oxygen and then eliminate carbon dioxide in turn. They are located inside a person’s rib cage. The lungs are actually made up of a pink spongy material. They both expand and contract as a person breathes.


The heart sits right in the middle of everyone’s chest, towards the left side. It is a muscular organ located at the center of the circulatory system. It is known to provide blood flow to the body and has two chambers – the left and right.

Adrenal Gland

Every person has two adrenal glands, each sitting atop the two kidneys. It is a triangular-shaped gland and is small. It is very essential in regulating the metabolism, 


The spleen also comes in the category of organs on left side. The spleen is actually located against the diaphragm and just behind the top ribs on the left side. The ribs protect it since it is basically like a water balloon without any protective capsule.

Left Kidney

The kidneys are located right below the rib cage. They work in filtering out waste and the extra fluids from our body and out in the form of urine. They also aid in keeping the minerals and salts in a proper balance.


The stomach is located in the middle left on the upper side of the abdomen. It is in front of the spleen, below, and behind the liver. This is the first stop for all of the foods that we eat. 


The Pancreas is a gland that sits deep in the abdomen. It is situated below and behind the stomach. The top of the pancreas is nestled in the duodenum’s curve. The primary function of it is to produce enzymes, which in turn help in the processing of food in the small intestine.

Left Lobe Of The Liver

The kidneys are located right below the rib cage. They work in filtering out waste and the extra fluids from our body and out in the form of urine. They also aid in keeping the minerals and salts in a proper balance.

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Descending And Transverse Colon

The colon is also referred to as the large intestine sometimes. It forms an upside-down U shape over the small coiled-up intestine. On the left side, the U-shaped colon is called the Descending colon.