Blog 7 Most Common Myths About Viagra

7 Most Common Myths About Viagra

Viagra has long been the go-to drug for the treatment of various forms of erectile dysfunction, allowing you to achieve a high-quality erection after the first intake of the famous blue pill. At the same time, there are a lot of false misconceptions about this drug, distorting ideas about the possibilities it can provide and the rules for taking it.

Here Are The 7 Most Common Myths About Viagra

1. Is Viagra Expensive?

generic drugs for erectile dysfunction treatment

When it comes to the original Viagra — maybe so. However, in modern times, there is no need to overpay for the brand, since it is much more profitable to buy generic drugs for erectile dysfunction treatment — in this case, sildenafil. Generic Viagra contains an equivalent dosage of the active ingredient and the same excipients, which ensures an identical therapeutic effect.

2. Does THE Original Viagra Work Better?

Not exactly. Its active ingredient — sildenafil citrate — is the same in the original Viagra as in its generic variants.

The desire to justify the purchase of a more expensive “original” at any cost, which does not differ in principle from the generic in its action, as a rule, comes from deep self-doubt and panic fear of failure in bed, even if this failure is purely speculative in nature.

3. Is Viagra A Placebo?

Over the past 25 years, physicians from different countries have conducted a number of clinical studies. The results obtained were quite impressive: in the group of patients taking a placebo, the indicators of improvement in the quality of erection ranged from 15-18%, while in the group taking sildenafil citrate, the same indicator was never below 70%.

4. Does Viagra Have Dangerous Side Effects?

Does Viagra Have Dangerous Side Effects

This myth requires a separate explanation.

On the one hand, sildenafil does carry a 1-2% risk of developing a number of side effects, most of which have a non-critical transient dose-dependent nature.

On the other hand, the probability of these complications is directly correlated with the patient’s compliance with the following rules of drug use:

  • start taking with a minimum dose (25 mg), gradually increasing the dosage over 3-4 days;
  • carefully study the list of contraindications and unacceptable combinations described in detail in the instructions;
  • do not combine Viagra with alcohol — especially in the first days.

In general, Viagra is evaluated as a fairly safe medical drug, but this does not mean that it can be taken without certain restrictions.

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5. Does Viagra Help From The First Intake?

In approximately 10% of patients, the desired effect occurs only after 2-4 regular daily Viagra doses at a daily dosage of 50 mg.

6. Is Viagra Harmful To Young People?

Viagra can be taken by all adult males who have signs of erectile dysfunction. Viagra has no restrictions on the age of the user unless they are under 18 years of age.

7. Is Viagra Addictive?

Sildenafil does not belong to narcotic substances and does not cause dependence even with prolonged long-term use, therefore you can be absolutely sure you won’t get addicted to it.

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