What Areas Of The Face And Body Can Be Treated With Kybella?
By now, perhaps you are familiar with Kybella, the latest fat reduction treatment that specifically targets obstinate fat tissues under the chin and around the jawline.
By aiming at submental fats, this treatment can permanently remove a double chin in one injection only. Thus, it is one of the go-to aesthetic procedures today.
What Makes Kybella Treatment Successful?
The secret behind this treatment’s success is its essential component, deoxycholic acid. Once injected into the fat cell, deoxycholic acid starts eating away at fat tissues without affecting the surrounding tissue.
The damaged fat tissues are eliminated in due course by your system’s metabolic processes. This treatment results in permanent results because once the fat tissues are damaged, they don’t build up again.
Areas Where Kybella Can Be Used

Some areas where Kybella is used are the following:
1. Jowls
If you’re wondering if Kybella can be used on jowls; the answer is yes. This non-invasive treatment is effective in eliminating fats and slimming down your jawline. Not to mention, it also addresses submental fullness. Getting rid of fat tissues provides your jowls with a sculpted look.
2. Double Chin
Kybella, according to experts, is the sole injectable that can permanently lessen the appearance of fat and cure double chin.
This treatment has a positive effect on the skin’s laxity by sculpting jowl fat and neck fat. It is proven effective and safe in creating a defined chin without downtime. The best part is that it entails a painless procedure.
3. Jawline
Kybella is effective in redefining the jawline and softening fat around the area of your chin. Some even combine this treatment with other procedures to focus on fat tissues and encourage skin elasticity.
The result is a holistic rejuvenation skin treatment. Other areas where Kybella is used are as follows armpit pooches, bra bulge, back fat, inner knee fat, lower belly bulge, or lower buttock fatty folds
Is The Result Short Term Or Long Term?

The results obtained from this treatment are long-term or permanent. The fat tissues will not return when dissolved once the patient’s weight remains stable. According to research by the Food and Drug Administration, patients have maintained a positive response even after five years without weight changes.
Important Consideration
When undergoing Kybella treatment, it is vital to have appropriate body weight. It is perfect for those who are about the exact weight for their type of body but have problems eradicating fat tissues in particular parts, despite workout and diet.
Kybella procedure from Dallas Dermatology Partners in Dallas, TX is effective and reliable in treating a small number of fat tissues that are not big enough to be addressed by surgery.
To Sum It Up
The popularity of Kybella treatment is on the rise due to its promising effects. However, despite this, it is crucial to contact licensed healthcare professionals to know if you are a good candidate for the procedure.
It is not advisable if you are suffering from an infection in the area that needs treatment. So, book a consultation to get a clear picture of your condition.
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