15 Effective Home Remedies for Cough
Coughs and colds are usually very irritating. They can even disrupt your routine, wreak havoc on peace of mind. Also, coughs make you stay awake all night as they continuously disturb your sleep.
Viruses mainly cause seasonal fever, flu, common cold, and dry cough. The virus that causes cold is usually known as rhinovirus. Cold is a contagious disease that can affect people either directly or indirectly. The most susceptible to cold are children and infants as the there immune system is still immature.
Just the moment when one starts experiencing cold, it is accompanied by coughing and sneezing. Coughing is generally due to the reflex of the body trying to push dust from the body. When one coughs, this may be due to body irritation, but it may also be a sign of more severe illness.
Continuous coughing could be a sign of diseases of the respiratory system, bronchitis, or cold.
When Does Cough Become Serious?
When your cough becomes persistent, you already start wondering how you can get rid of it.
The worry about most people is whether the medications can cure the disease and avoid reoccurrence. When it gets to this point, people are now opting for home remedies as they are not only safe but are also effective.
People have given the home remedies their trust. This is because they not only treat the dry cough and cold effectively but also have no side effects. Coughs can be that nightmare, especially when they are accompanied with a runny nose and some chest pain.
What Are The Causes?
At most time’s coughs will be brought about by viruses and they could clear up on their own without treatment.
However, the acute cough can be brought about due to an infection in the upper respiratory tract affecting the throat. It could bring about laryngitis, common cold or flu.
In the instance, it is a lower tract infection, and then it could cause a significant effect on the lungs and the airways down from the windpipe. This thus could lead to pneumonia and bronchitis.
More so, hay fever could be another cause of acute cough.
Chronic coughs can be brought about by asthma attacks in children. They can also be from conditions such as GERD and postnasal drip.
In adults, coughs could be due to lung infections, fungal infections, lung cancer, and tuberculosis. The other causes of chronic coughs could be some medications and smoking.
Home remedies for cough
When you have a constant cough, you must have it treated as early as possible. Because it could be a sign of severe illness. However, most people still do not know how they can handle the issue at the comfort of their homes.
The article thus describes some simple and effective home remedies for cough.
1. Turmeric
Turmeric has the antibacterial, and potent anti-inflammatory properties ideal for killing bacteria’s. Also, it helps the body in producing excess mucus and more so boosting of the system for you to get well much quicker.
Turmeric has natural plant compound such as curcumin, which helps in the reduction of enzymes inside the body, causing an inflammation. When you eat turmeric, it will help in the treatment of the various inflammatory conditions.
They are termed to be the best natural remedies for cough and even used in clinical trials. For people with arthritis, Cummins could also be the best. The use of turmeric has shown a significant increase in performance and is very useful and fast.
2. Sugar candy and shallot leaves
It is among the best remedies for cough, especially when the cough causes a hurting feeling on the throat. When you use a mixture of the sugar and the leaves, this could bring about a soothing effect on the throat.
Since the mixture is gentle and can remove a cough, you can apply it to children to remove a cough. All you need doing is taking the sugar candy syrup and add to it the prepared shallot leaves. Place them in a bowl and warm for about ten minutes.
3. Ginger
Ginger is a cure for almost all complications. Be it the stomach problems to the dry cough, and it does it effectively.it is because ginger offers a very great benefit to the immune system. It breaks down the sheer toxins in the bloodstream and the organs.
More so, due to its antibacterial properties, it helps in cleaning the lymphatic system. Thus it will ensure the elimination of toxins that are nasty and could bring problems to the respiratory system.
Ginger fights off a lot of infections. It has the anti-histamine effects that make it possible for treating respiratory diseases. Thus, ginger is the most effective cough remedy.
Once the mixture cools down, you can always take it in at least twice a day until the cough disappears.
4. Rice water and lettuce
Lettuce has bacterial substances that are ideal in keeping the throat clean. Thus, when it comes to getting rid of the dry coughs, then lettuce could rank among the top remedies. Therefore, salad offers great healing to respiratory issues such as dry cough.
However, a mixture of lettuce and rice water could even be a better remedy for cough. Before applying the rice water and lettuce crush the lettuce and place it in a cup, add the rice water to the mixture and stir them until they mix evenly.
Boil the mixture for about ten minutes and allow them to cool before you consume. For more expected results, consider taking this mixture for nearly thrice daily. The results will be amazing as they will only take a few days.
6. Orange
To many, this could be sounding strange to them. However, orange is an excellent remedy for fighting respiratory diseases, mainly dry cough. When you bake the orange, the substances in it are the ones that promote the recovery faster.
However, you can choose to eat the orange as well. It does dilute the muscles and the phlegm of a sore throat reducing the pain .in this case prepares the orange with a little salt and places it in the microwave to have it baked. Also, you can eat three oranges daily for effective result.
7. Ajwain potli
Carom seeds and ajwain have the antibacterial and antiviral properties. What you need to do here is roasting the ajwain. Place the paste on a cotton paste and use it to rub on the back, palm, below feet, and the chest.
Also, you can consider placing it near the nose so that you can inhale the smell. It has an instant effect on clearing the dry cough. You should ensure that the mixture is not very hot before you choose to apply it. Consider putting on single light clothing before using it on your chest. Do not rub it on your naked chest.
8. Honey
Honey is a gift from nature, and when it comes to treating coughs, then it can offer great healing. It has the antibacterial properties that help it in boosting the resistance of the body .this makes it an ideal remedy for cough.
It serves better when treating cough than the over counter drugs.it is a natural antibiotic as it will fight a lot of the bacteria and fungi. Also, it has the albumin and pantothenic active ingredients that help in the regeneration of new cells that heal mucosal lesions.
Drink honey before sleep for a sound, more profound rest, and cough prevention.
9. White rose
It ranks among the best cough remedies. Roses have compounds that are vital when it comes to the improvement of body metabolism and also the removal of toxins. The petals of the roses usually contain antioxidant and antimicrobial compounds.
The rose’s oil is also essential when it comes to soothing the throat and reducing inflammation. When you use roses to treat cough, they will always bring out the best results. Take ten roses and prepare them, add sugar and little water. Steam the mixture and allow it to cool. Put the mixture under cold temperatures. Use one teaspoon daily for best results.
10. Carrot juice
The juice from carrot will always be an excellent remedy when it comes to healing dry cough. Just have the syrup diluted with warm water at the room temperature. You can sip the juice slowly for about two times a day till you recover. This remedy will only apply to kids over six months.
11. Honey, sugar candy, and lemon basil
Lemon basil has the contents of essential oils that are ideal for treating cough. The juice from the lemon can remove bacteria’s that tend to cause respiratory illness. Thus, this makes lemon basil and lemon juice perfect to treating the dry coughs.
The dry cough remedy entails preparing the lemon basil leaves, one sugar candy, and honey. Ice the leaves, to them add honey and candy. Steaming should then be done for about ten minutes and let them cool before using. Daily consumption is necessary to improve the condition.
12. Chamomile
Chamomile tea is one of the best dry cough remedies. The tea mainly eases the throat any issues that could be causing distress. Boil the tea bag in two cups of water. Allow it to cool until it becomes tepid. You can then take at least three spoonfuls four times a day till the cough gets over
13. Steam
Steam is the best remedy to stop coughing. When you steam the heat will spread through the throat dilating the phlegm. You can always choose to take a sauna to your home and ensure that you steam at least twice a day.
All needed here is taking a hot shower for the bathroom to stay warm and staying the bathroom for about ten minutes. The mucus will dilute into the throat, thus aiding to stop the cold. After steaming yourself, you must use a moisturizer made of natural oil on your body.
14. Pepper
Pepper is rich in capsaicin, a compound that helps in thinning mucus and providing congestion relief. Pepper thus plays a significant role in reducing cold symptoms. Crush your pepper and to it add honey. Mix the two thoroughly until thy blend.
Consider taking one spoon of this mixtures a few times a day. You can also mix a spoon of this powder in warm water and rinse for best results. If you are allergic to pepper, then you can also get this benefit by smelling it. The aroma is enough to suppress the cough.
15. Bromelain
There is scarce, though credible evidence to suggest that bromelain, the active enzyme in pineapples, may play a significant role in curing cough. The enzyme is found in the steam and fruit of the pineapple where it suppresses cough. Just drinking fresh juice from the fruit or eating a slice can help you in relieving cough.
No matter if it is a dry cough or not, you can say “bye” to your cough with pineapples. However, you may be careful while consuming thai fruit or its juice as there may be side effects to it. The enzyme may be harmful for you if you are taking certain medications such as blood thinners, and antibiotics.
16. Eucalyptus oil
This oil is usually volatile and thin the mucus and thus provides relief to the track of respiration. It is one of the most used natural remedies for cough as it can combat particular bacteria’s that could be resulting in a cough
Add a few drops of the eucalyptus oil into your hot water and get ready for steaming. Usually, inhale this for just about fifteen minutes because longer times could be harmful.
When to see a doctor
At a time when the cough becomes severe, or it persists for about three weeks without showing any signs of improvement, it is crucial to see a doctor.
In most cases, you can find out that there is nothing serious causing the cough. But in rare instances when you have a long term cause it could be an s sign of something severe that needs medical attention.
The other reasons you can see a doctor is when the cough is accompanied by various symptoms such as;
- Fevers that do not get better.
- Chest pains.
- Coughing up blood.
- Swelling or lumps present in the neck region.
- Difficulties in swallowing.
- Weight loss.
- Permanent changes in the sound of the voice.
- Severe coughing.
- Difficulties in breathing.
How To Prevent Coughing
The best way to reduce coughing is by ensuring you are reducing your exposure to the triggers. Coughing may be induced due to exposure to a certain trigger or it may be associated with an underlying condition. Thus, you must be proactive in reducing your exposure to pollen, strong smell, or get yourself checked by a professional.
Another step towards protecting yourself against cough-inducing ailments is getting your flu shots. The flu shots are updated every year or as per requirement to better combat the viruses spreading the illness.
In addition, maintaining proper hand hygiene ensures that you are reducing your exposure to any germs. You may remember the experience of COVID when we were directed by health authorities to adhere to COVID-friendly habits.
It is also important that you are up to date on your allergy shots so that you can reduce the flare-ups that can induce coughing. A person may be allergic to pollen, animal fur, mites, dust, insects and mold. It is better to be prepared against these allergens.
Coughs are usually brought about by viruses, and at most times they can heal on their own. Coughs are very unpleasant as they come without stopping. There are often some home remedies you can always turn to when you have a cough. But when it gets severe, then you can always turn to the doctor.
Do coughs bother you or make you much uncomfortable? The above remedies could be an excellent solution to your problem. It does not matter where you come from in the world, at least you can find one of these remedies rowing naturally or from the retails.
The best thing about these remedies is that they are not allergic to the body and will always give instant results. Your pain will gradually reduce, and sore throat will be something in the past. Try them out.
Are There Any Side Effects Of Using Home Remedies For Cough?
There are no significant side effects of using home remedies. However, if you are allergic to a substance that is being used to cure your cold, you may experience side effects.
You must remember to strike a healthy balance between the consumption of home remedy and its effectiveness. That is, you should be careful not to consume excess of the remedy as it can cause several side effects. These can range from irritation, increased core temperature to abdominal discomfort.
Can Home Remedy Cure Cold?
Home remedies are known for several health conditions irrespective of the issue being minor or major. If you were stuck in the rain and caught a cold, you may get rid of the symptoms within a few days with home remedies listed here. However if your symptoms persist for long, you must consult a professional.
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