Blog How Droopy Eyelid Surgery Can Restore Your Vision

How Droopy Eyelid Surgery Can Restore Your Vision

Droopy eyelids can affect your quality of life if the underlying symptoms aren’t treated. Headaches and eyestrain could be a recurring issue in your everyday life. Fortunately, the optometry industry has developed a means of repairing sagging eyes.

There are several factors that can cause the eyelids to droop. It can be anything from ptosis to nerve damage resulting from an eye injury to aging and even allergies.

As such, droopy eyelid surgery, also known as Blepharoplasty, can be necessary to restore your vision. The treatment removes excess muscle and fat from the upper eyelids. This can drastically improve your eyesight if your drooping eyelids obstruct your full visual field.

The procedure can be functional if your vision has been assessed and you qualify as needing treatment. In this case, the surgery should be covered by your insurer. Alternatively, you can opt for a more cosmetic procedure if you simply want to enhance your appearance. The eye lifting treatment can give your eyes and face a youthful and ‘wide awake’ looking effect.

Read on to find out the main benefits that eyelid surgery can do to better your eyesight:

a. It Can Restore Your Wider Field Of Vision

a. It Can Restore Your Wider Field Of Vision

When your upper eyelids begin to hang low over your upper eye, it can block your field of vision by reducing your top vision. It’s most likely, you can only see clearly from the lower half of your eye. Think of it as seeing the world through a window with blinds lowered halfway.

Here is where the droopy eyelid surgery can make a difference. This surgery widens your field of vision by getting rid of the skin clouding part of your eye.

To qualify for this procedure, you’ll need approval from a physician or eye doctor who has to approve you as a suitable candidate. The optometry industry has a specialist branch department such as London Ophthalmology who are a trained team certified to perform this specialist eye surgery.

During the droopy eyelid surgery, the ophthalmologist makes an incision along the crease of your upper eyelid and removes fat deposits, and weakened muscle tissue. This is the culprit that adds weight to your eyelid and causes it to droop. After the fat and muscle tissue is removed, the excess skin surrounding your eye is tightened to ensure that there is less loose skin to prevent further drooping in the future.

In the end, when you have less or no skin hanging over your upper eye, you now have access to your upper eyesight. Thus, your visual field is expanded to include your top, bottom and peripheral vision.

b. It Can Reduce Blurry Vision And Eyestrain

One of the many effects of drooping eyelids is the uncomfortable conditions it can lead to. Some of these secondary symptoms include blurry vision, double vision, eyestrain and headaches. These conditions are often related in that one problem causes the other.

Most often, optometrists state that patients who are unaware that drooping eyes are impeding their vision will report these symptoms to them. As a common practice, if the optometrist identifies drooping eyes, they may refer you to an ophthalmologist for closer inspection. The ophthalmologist can then recommend drooping eyelid surgery if it will aid you.

In essence, seeing with droopy eyelid vision, everyday tasks such as reading, watching TV and working on digital devices become more tasking. This is due to your eye muscles having to work harder for you to see clearly in focused vision within a limited visual field because of your sagging eyelid.

When the drooping eyelid surgery is complete and your visual field improved or restored, eye muscles don’t strain as much. This can go a long way to lessen the occurrence of eye discomfort and vision problems.

c. It Can Correct Congenital or Acquired Ptosis

c. It Can Correct Congenital or Acquired Ptosis

Droopy eyelids are scientifically known as a condition called Ptosis. This is the diagnosis where the underlying cause of drooping eyes has been identified. For instance, congenital Ptosis is when droopy eyes are discovered at birth and can be present throughout your life. Genetics are the most likely factor in this case.

On the other hand, acquired Ptosis is when your eyes start to droop later in life due to damage sustained to your eyes. It includes injuries such as eye trauma, nerve damage, and using anti ageing injections without proper knowledge.

If either situation applies to you, then droopy eyelid surgery can aid in treating your eye damages or correct your lifelong drooping eyelids. In the case of a congenital condition, droopy eyelid surgery can help prevent future complications such as lazy eye or amblyopia.

The lazy eye can occur since congenital Ptosis interferes with your visual development while you were growing up. It can also lead to poor eyesight and overall reduced vision.

For acquired Ptosis, droopy eyelid surgery can assist in fixing torn or overstretched ligaments and muscles in the eyelid. With an improved suspension, eyelids have a better chance staying lifted.


Choosing to get droopy eye surgery is worth considering especially if it starts to affect your vision. The surgery can significantly restore your eyesight in the medium to long term by getting rid of the skin folding over your eyes. It also helps counteract some eyes damage and visual development that can lead to more serious eye conditions.

This is done by repairing your vision through expanding your optical field and thereby giving you full access to you to see at all angles. Droopy eye surgery can also lower the recurrence of eye discomforts and pain such as eye strain headaches caused by overworked drooping eye muscles.

Additionally, the surgery can be approached cosmetically if drooping eyes doesn’t affect your vision but you’d still prefer the eyelid lift. Many older patients opt for this to polish their appearance. The eyelid lift can make you look younger, give your eyes a more even shape and make your eyes appear sharp and focused.

With all things considered, this surgery when conducted by a certified ophthalmologist can boost your qualify of life.

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