Blog How To Get Rid Of Hanging Belly After C Section? Everything You Need To Know!

How To Get Rid Of Hanging Belly After C Section? Everything You Need To Know!

How to get rid of hanging belly after c section? Is this something that you have been searching for? If yes, then you have reached the right place.

While motherhood is one of the most amazing experiences in a woman’s life, pregnancy and the aftereffects of the same can be excruciatingly difficult to deal with at times. And one of the main things that women have a hard time choosing over is the hanging belly or pouch after C-Section.

If you have been struggling with getting rid of the belly after c section and are looking for ways to deal with it, you will find this article helpful. Keep reading this article till the end to learn more…

How To Get Rid Of Hanging Belly After C Section?

how to get rid of hanging belly after c section

Postpartum recovery can be very difficult. And this becomes harder when you do not see any immediate results. From postpartum belly or the hanging belly after c section to postpartum depression and other mood swings, the time after the birth of your child is nothing less than a rollercoaster ride.

Are you searching for the answer to “how to get rid of hanging belly after c section?” If yes, then you have come to the right place. While you do tend to spend a lot more time taking care of your newborn, it is very important that you are able to take care of your body as well. Keep reading to learn about how you can get rid of hanging belly after c section…

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What Causes An Overhang After C Section?

how to get rid of hanging belly after c section

Before answering “how to get rid of hanging belly after c section,” it is important to tell you why and how the overhang forms after your surgery. So let me explain.

A C-section or a cesarean surgery during childbirth is when an incision is made in the belly or womb in order to make way for the baby. After the delivery is over, the belly is stitched up, and the site of the incision gets closed.

However, as time passes, an overhang forms right above the site of operation. This is mainly because of the tightness of the scar as a result of the stitches compared to the other surrounding areas. That is the reason why you will find an overhang of fat and excess skin right above the area of the incision.

Tips To Get Rid Of Hanging Belly After Pregnancy

Pregnancy brings a lot of changes to your body, and one of the most common things is a saggy belly after a cesarean. There are a number of ways in which you can reduce the appearance of your hanging belly.

Here are some of the tips and tricks that can do wonders for you if you want to get rid of a saggy belly after c section. Take a look at them to learn more:

1. Lifestyle Management

how to get rid of hanging belly after c section

There are a number of reasons why managing lifestyle comes first in this list. Walking, doing cardio, and eating right can help you to deal with and get rid of the saggy belly after c section.

It is very necessary that you are able to take care of the extra weight that you gain during pregnancy. Not being able to lose that after the delivery of your child over time can lead to an overhang that gets more and more difficult to lose later on.

2. Postnatal Massage

how to get rid of hanging belly after c section

“Some plant-based oils may help the skin to repair itself. This might be due to their antioxidant content and anti-inflammatory properties,” reports state. You can try to dilute essential oils with other carrier oils like almond oil or jojoba oil to massage the line around your tummy.

The body massages after your operation boost the circulation of blood and oxygen in the body. This ensures that you are able to recover fast without much difficulty. It also releases endorphins and oxytocin. They make you feel relaxed and also boost the production of milk in your breasts.

3. Rest Well

how to get rid of hanging belly after c section

Resting well is crucial after you have given birth. According to studies, a minimum of six hours of sleep is very important for the healing body of a new mother. Adequate rest will help the body to heal the wounds and scars, thereby promoting healthier skin and body post-delivery.

4. Breastfeed

While a lot of people might not know this, breastfeeding might actually help you to lose weight after the birth of your child. It is considered to be one of the easiest methods of losing body fat after pregnancy.

However, the calories that you might burn through breastfeeding might depend from person to person. “Breastfeeding typically burns 500 to 700 calories per day. To lose weight safely while breastfeeding, it’s important to follow your doctor’s recommendations for how many calories you need to consume daily,” according to Healthline.

Getting Rid Of Hanging Belly After C-Section Through Surgeries

If you are not able to lose weight and get rid of the saggy belly after pregnancy through home remedies, you might want to get some surgeries done. One of the most common and popular invasive procedures for getting your belly back in shape after pregnancy is getting a Tummy Tuck.

Also known as abdominoplasty, it is a “cosmetic surgical procedure to improve the shape and appearance of the abdomen,” according to the Mayo Clinic. In this procedure, the excess fat and skin are removed from the abdomen, and the connective tissues of the belly are tightened.

Bonus: Foods To Avoid To Get Rid Of Tummy Fat After Pregnancy

While there might be a lot of ways in which you can get rid of the saggy belly after c section, there are still a number of other things that you need to keep in mind so that the process can become easier.

Here are some of the foods that you need to avoid if you want to get rid of the c section scar overhang after delivery:

  • Avoid eating citrus foods and carbonated drinks.
  • Do not eat sugary foods.
  • Stay away from alcohol.
  • Avoid having spicy foods.
  • So not eat junk or oily food.

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Wrapping It Up!

In case you have been searching for the answer to how to get rid of hanging belly after c section, I hope that this blog has been of help to you. If there are any other questions related to the same, feel free to write them down in the comment box below.

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