Blog IPL Laser Treatment: Everything You Need To Know Before Going For It!

IPL Laser Treatment: Everything You Need To Know Before Going For It!

IPL Laser Treatment is a professional solution to major skin conditions such as acne or severe sun damage. Consult a professional for accurate diagnosis and suggestion on including this option in your treatment plan.

IPL Laser treatment or laser IPL treatment is a surgical solution for people who want to improve the texture of their skin and the color.

IPL or Intense Pulsed Light therapy is also known as ‘photofacial.’ The method helps in reversing the damage that is caused due to exposure to harmful radiation from the sun.

Prolonged exposure can cause many difficulties for an individual including changes in the skin that are bothersome mentally or emotionally. This has a huge impact on a person’s psychological wellbeing. 

The article will discuss the various aspects of this treatment and how it works. The following sections will also describe related information such as the cost, benefits of the treatment option and if it is actually effective. 

IPL Laser Treatment For Face

Photofacial is usually done for the face, however, there are also instances where the procedure is carried out for other parts of the body. This can depend on the extent of exposure to the sun, which results in damage to the skin. 

There are also other reasons why a person may be suggested to undergo IPL treatment. These may be- 

  • Acne 
  • Visible blood vessels that make other irregularities in the skin prominent 
  • Skin redness 
  • Signs of aging such as wrinkles, sunspots and fine lines among other signs of aging. 

Who Is IPL Laser Treatment For? 

A dermatologist can suggest IPL laser treatment alone, or in conjunction with other procedures to enhance the effect.

This solely depends on the kind of skin condition you have and the diagnosis you receive for it. This is also part of their treatment plan that professionals curate as per their patient’s concern and suitability.

Thus, it is always best to consult a professional instead of booking an appointment for the procedure based on your own research. 

Cost Of IPL Laser Treatment

The cost of the procedure can vary depending on any other treatment that you are getting done, it can also depend on the area you are getting the procedure in.

On an average, the treatment can cost you anywhere from $700 to $1200. There may be additional costs such as those for tests, anesthesia, follow-up to the clinic, and medicines, if any. 

Does My Insurance Cover It? 

When it comes to the insurance coverage of the treatment, it is not covered. As the procedure takes care of any skin damage that may be on your face or your body, it is considered a cosmetic procedure. 

What Can I Expect During The Procedure? 

The process involves the following steps: 

  • The area that will undergo the treatment is cleaned by the specialist, follow it up with a cool gel
  • This is followed by making you wear dark glasses that can protect your eyes.
  • The next step is to apply light pulses from the IPL device to your skin.
  • The pulses from the device may sting your skin, you can inform the specialist if the pain is unbearable.
  • The procedure can take at least 20 to 30 minutes. 
  • Proper results may require three to six treatments which may be in an interval of 30 days. 
  • This allows the skin to heal after the treatment. 

Benefits Of IPL Laser Treatment

There are several benefits to a person getting the treatment. The following list provides the benefits: 

  1. Low-cost solution to skin problems
  2. Quick and easy 
  3. Painless experience
  4. Versatile treatment option that can be done for most body parts. The skin concerns that may occur on other parts of the body for example the arms, elbow, and neck. 
  5. It is also helpful in providing a youthful appearance, which can enhance the overall quality of the skin. This can be seen more prominently when IPL is combined with other procedures.
  6. The recovery time for the healed skin is lesser in comparison to other options. 

Adverse effects of IPL Laser Treatment

  1. Pain and erythema are common after-effects of the treatment
  2. It is also reported that people can experience bullae, scarring, hematoma, keloid formation and sometimes infection
  3. Sensitivity in the area that has undergone the treatment
  4. Further irritation in the skin if the skin was already severely damaged. 

IPL Laser Treatment Reviews

The treatment provides great results when newer models of the IPL devices are used. Some people who have already undergone the surgery have shared their experience on the process.

The treatment is not just limited to helping those with an injury or skin damage. It is also directed towards hair removal or fading small blood vessels that are visible.

Additionally, it also helps in reducing pigmentation or dark spots that may be visible. 

One person who wished to remain anonymous shared their experience saying,

“I recently underwent IPL laser treatment for extreme skin discoloration which was diagnosed by a professional. I was suggested the treatment when the initial treatment options did not work well for me. I was disappointed and my specialist recommended I give IPL laser treatment a chance. I saw immediate results! My skin discoloration was under control.” 

They went ahead to add-

“I just want to emphasize on the importance of aftercare that you will be asked to follow. I believe I was able to see better results. There was a significant improvement in the health of my skin and I was able to make my skin look healthier with the maintenance treatment.” 

Another user shared

I am blown away with my results! Minimal recovery time with a huge payoff, I am beyond thrilled with this treatment! My dark spots that I was most self conscious about are gone, I have reduced pore size, smoother texture and I feel like my skin is more plump, all in just 2 weeks! Ramie and Katherine were very thorough, informative and professional. This is an invasive treatment, so it is imperative that you do your research.”


This was all on the IPL laser treatment, a cosmetic procedure that can help people struggling with skin damage due to sun exposure as well as other concerns such as severe signs of aging.

The article discusses everything you would need to know about the procedure. It also discusses the expectation you can have with the procedure.

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