Blog 12 Ways To Improve Your Recovery After Surgery

12 Ways To Improve Your Recovery After Surgery

Surgery can be very hard on the body, especially when you have gone through extensive surgery. Because your immune system, strength, and overall state of health still aren’t at the top condition, it’s normal for you to be at a higher risk of falls, injuries, mobility, immune system problems, and other health issues. This is the very reason why your post-care for surgery recovery is just as important as the surgery itself.

Remember the very core purpose of a surgical procedure – to improve your quality of life. Henceforth, the decision to have one done also entails being responsible enough with your post-surgery care. Doing so not only lets your body recover well, but also increases the success of your surgery.

If you’re scheduled to undergo surgery soon, you have come to the right place for some tips to boost your recovery. You can get back to your life and usual routine as quickly as possible with these post-surgery tips:

1. Have A Strong Support System

Have A Strong Support System

After surgery, living with your family or spouse would be favorable as they can become your support system throughout your recovery. If you live alone, you may need to move back with family or at least have them over in your place in the meantime.

When this kind of arrangement isn’t possible, call for home care. You can find many home care services like Promontory Home Health that offer aids, nurses, caregivers, and other medical workers that you can pay to help you out during your post-surgery period.

Whichever is available to you, the most crucial point to remember is for you to have a strong support system. Avoid being alone during those first few days, as having that extra set of hands to help will surely come in handy.

For example, you may be that parent responsible for doing the school runs and driving your kids to and from their extra-curricular activities.

Building a support system includes reaching out to family and friends you can trust to be willing enough to help you out with those functions after your surgery.

Another area wherein this support system will come in handy is with your household chores. You may be recovering from surgery, but your housework could pile up without anyone doing them.

If you have older kids with you, set up a chores list and schedule for them to help out while you recover. You may also schedule professional cleaners to visit your home to do the cleaning for you.

2. Accident-Proof Your Home

If the surgery you went through affects your mobility, flexibility, balance, and strength, then you have to accident-proof your home. Treat yourself as if you were taking home a new baby. Your home should be as hazard-free as possible.

Because your mobility and strength are affected on those months right after your surgery, this renders you a fall-risk individual. Accident-proofing your home is a great way to prevent any untoward accidents, which may only delay the healing or worsen the wounds you still have from your surgery.

Before your scheduled surgery, it’s a wise move to implement the following accident-proofing strategies:

  • Get rid of any clutter on the floor which may cause you to trip, slip and fall;
  • Purchase night lights you can plug in your sockets to illuminate your path at night (like from the bed to the toilet, for instance);
  • If your bedroom is on the second floor of your home, it would be best to sleep at the first level of your home for the time being. Doing so reduces the need for you to go up and down the stairs too frequently.

3. Consume The Necessary Nutrients And Vitamins

Consume The Necessary Nutrients And Vitamins

You might be prescribed medication to take, but that may not be enough. You also have to eat a healthy, balanced and nutritious meal. It’s essential to have the necessary vitamins your body needs to heal.

Generally, the top nutrients and vitamins your body needs for healing are protein, vitamin C, iron, vitamin B12, fiber, and probiotics.

Furthermore, certain ‘superfoods’ can give your body the energy it needs to fight off infections as your body heals.

Some of those foods include:

  • Berries – as they’re rich in antioxidants;
  • Healthy fats from oil, fish, and nuts – as they aid your body in absorbing all the vitamins you’re getting from your fruits and vegetables;
  • Meat and other alternatives – so your body can get adequate amounts of protein needed for recovery;
  • Probiotics – which are the happy and healthy bacteria your body needs to fight off any infections you may be prone to having, after the hospital stay;
  • Whole grains – provide your body with the healthy carbohydrates your brain needs for energy.

4. Stay In Bed To Relax – But With Little Movement, Day By Day

Staying in bed can give your body the chance to relax, but you will also need to get up and move from time to time. Staying in bed does not mean you have to lay there literally the whole day, without any movement. It simply means taking enough time to rest and sleep.

Take a break from your job, even if you are working from home. Let your body rest when you feel tired.

However, it’s also strongly advised to get out of bed and move at least once a day. Movement increases blood flow in your body, which also helps to speed up healing. Walking regularly also helps prevent any harmful blood clots.

5. Don’t Do Too Much, Too Soon

Your surgeon and other doctors in your medical team will surely give you a list of dos and don’ts even before your surgery. It’s a must for you to obey the list as much as possible. Don’t do too much, too soon. Your body has been through a lot during the surgery, especially if you’ve gone through a major one. Give it time to rest and heal.

Even if you think you can do it, refrain from doing any strenuous activity right away. Your wounds may not heal as fast as they should, and you could go back to square one. It will only unnecessarily delay what could’ve otherwise been a fast and timely recovery.

For instance, your doctor may have given you the green light to do minor exercises, but the red light for exhausting ones. It means you can walk as your chosen form of exercise, but only for a short distance during your recovery.

6. Take Your Medications As Prescribed

One of the dos your doctor will tell you is to take your medications as prescribed. Once you’re out of the hospital and sent home to recover, it’s your job to follow your doctor’s orders regarding your medications.

Those are given for a reason, and that is to help aid your recovery. Take your medications on time and with the proper dosage as instructed.

Generally, your medications can include painkillers and antibiotics. Even if you’re not the type who likes depending on medicines, drinking them may do you good in the long run. Extreme pain may affect your sleep quality and hinder your ability to rest.

Depriving yourself of good rest may only delay your recovery. So, it would be best to drink the necessary pills prescribed by your doctor.

However, if you feel you’re experiencing adverse effects to any of your medications, discuss them with your doctor as soon as possible so the proper replacements can be given.

7. Remember To Hydrate

Along with eating well, hydration is a must, too. There’s nothing fancy you need for this. Plain water will do. Staying hydrated can help keep your body fueled with the energy and strength you need to recover fast.

Water is the best, but some fruits can also help boost your hydration. Those fruits include grapefruit, watermelon, and strawberry.

8. Don’t Skip Rehab

Going to physical rehabilitation sessions could be prescribed if the cause of your surgery is a physical injury. When this is the case, don’t skip the necessary sessions. While you may think you can recover by yourself, having a physical therapist working with you could be more efficient.

Physical therapy is key to recovering safely and getting stronger. Go through all your appointments. If there are any home sessions or home therapy activities given for you to work on, do those as well.

9. Pre-Plan Your Meals

Whether you live on your own or have a family with you, pre-planning and pre-making your meals is a must. Here’s why:

If you live on your own, it can be tempting to take the easy way out and call for food delivery or take-out. However, it would be better to stay away from temptation and focus on eating healthy food instead. When this is something you can’t assure yourself of, having pre-cooked freezer meals can make it easier for you.

Pre-planning and pre-cooking your meals is the way to go, especially if you have kids to feed as well. With your freezer meals, family members who visit you won’t have a hard time, as they can reheat what you’ve made.

This is an essential step to ensure you keep yourself nourished with healthy and nutritious meals throughout your recovery period.

10. Take The Medical Leave You Are Entitled To

Having to undergo a surgical procedure may make you realize how important your health is. Without good health, you may not function well with all the roles you have to fulfill, including your job.

After the surgery, make the most out of the medical leave you’re entitled to. Don’t deprive yourself of this. Even if you feel you’re completely fine, you may not necessarily be in the best mental state to make sound decisions at work. Moreover, this medical leave is even more necessary when you have physical injuries that make it hard for you to do your job.

So, don’t rush yourself into your job. Inform your HR manager about your medical predicament so that the proper arrangements regarding your medical leave can be made.

11. Get Proper Wound Care

Improving your recovery after your surgery also entails learning to deal with and take care of your wound. Your nurse or surgeon will typically give you instructions on how to look after your wound to prevent it from getting infected.

If you don’t really like dealing with your wounds yourself, the best solution is to schedule a nurse or caregiver to come and take care of your wounds for you.

Moreover, for the time being, it’s also a good idea to wear loose clothing that won’t irritate your surgical wounds. Use sunscreen on areas exposed to the sun, if recommended by your doctor.

12. Avoid Driving If You Are Not Ready Yet

If your doctor tells you it isn’t safe to drive yet, it would be best to follow their orders. After your surgery, it’s normal to feel weak and nauseous for a few days.

You will only expose yourself to risks if you drive. Your reaction time after the surgery may be delayed or slow, thereby increasing the risk of getting into an accident.

Stay at home as long as your doctor tells you to, for the sake of your recovery. If you have to run some errands, have a designated driver. Get a lift from family or friends. Or make use of online delivery services that are available and popular nowadays.


Nowadays, most patients who underwent surgery spend their recovery period at home. Their support group, may it be their family, friend, or caregiver, plays an important role in improving their overall well-being after going through surgery. On top of that, the patients themselves also have a lot to do for their smooth recovery.

The tips above should show you that it’s pretty straightforward to improve your recovery after surgery: take it easy, and do only what is best for your health. Most importantly, the tips above shouldn’t be taken as a substitute for sound, medical advice. When unsure, always consult your doctor.

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