Blog Top 7 Best Beauty Benefits of Coconut Oil

Top 7 Best Beauty Benefits of Coconut Oil

Coconut oil has good fats, and most people prefer it for cooking. People living in coastal areas can testify. They include it in their daily diets that why you find their skin glowing and healthy.

The oil from coconut can either be consumed or applied on the skin directly to reap the benefits. When you use it, it will penetrate the skin due to its molecular weight. Its benefits have made it critical in the cosmetic industry and peoples diets.

What do you ever think of when people talk about the benefits of coconut oils? Most probably, the use of this edible plant grease on your hair and all over your skin.

The urge for people using coconut oil has necessitated natural beauty devotees and dermatologists to study the plant to bring its potential to light. Joshua Zeichner, in his study, says that coconut oil has a unique combination of fats that is why it ranks best in treating the skin.

What are the benefits of coconut oil on the skin?

Coconut oil tends to improve skin repair and skin barrier function. It also has the antibacterial properties and anti-inflammatory properties that make effective moisturizer thus fighting skin aging.

Below are some of the seven benefits one can get from the regular application of coconut oil on the skin.

1. Makeup remover

Makeup remover

At times people do apply heavy makeups to intensify their beauty. But when it comes to removing the makeups, this can be hurting. Especially the sensitive areas around the eyes.

But with the use of coconut oil, this has turned out to be a straightforward exercise. It will help you remove the makeup without even causing any irritation to the eyes. More so, the sensitive areas will become hydrated, thus reducing wrinkles.

2. Encourages Fat-Burning

The medium-chain triglycerides or MCTs found in coconut oil has been a topic of interest for scientists. The health benefits of this fatty acid is known through several studies. Evidence suggests that the presence of MCT in your diet may contribute to the increase of calories burnt by your body. This promotes weight loss in your body.

More than half of MCT makes up the fats in coconut oil. The fat-burning properties thus resemble that of pure MCT oil. Moreover, the lack of evidence to prove the benefits of consuming coconut oil make it difficult to use daily.

3. Quick Source Of Energy  

The MCT in coconut can also act as a great source of energy. The quick supply of energy is through the mechanism of MCT transporting to the liver directly unlike LCTs (long-chain triglycerides). The LCTs get transported through the blood vessels to the tissues that require them.

However, the MCTs are directly transferred to the liver where they become a rapid source of energy like carbohydrates. The high MCTs in the oil help you become invigorated due to the high absorption of the oil.

In addition, it is mostly seen as a source of energy in sports nutrition. The athletes benefit from the fast source of energy provided by the oil, making it a great choice for them.

4. Skin moisturizer

Why use the chemical moisturizers when there is a natural skin moisturizer ingredient. Coconut oil has saturated fats. The fat helps in nourishing the skin, thus preventing moisture loss .therefore, they support making the skin looking smooth, even tone, and healthy.

In the case where you have oily skin, you can massage the coconut oil on the surface. You can then remove the extra fat from the skin using thin clothing or tissue. After that, you can wash the face with warm water. When you do it with consistency, your skin will become less oily and radiant.

5. Antibacterial shield

Coconut oil can be essential in reducing the risks of fungal and bacterial infections, along with acne. For the reason that it has the Lauric acid that tends to act as an antibacterial agent. Acne is usually a problem caused due to lack of skin hydration and also when there is excess secretion of sebum due to hormonal imbalance.

By using coconut oil regularly, this will help in deep cleansing and nourishing the skin. Thus, it will help to keep the bacteria population under control, and you can get acne-free and hydrated skin.

It has been the key reason why many beauty brands are using coconut oil as their chief component in their skincare products.

6. Homemade scrub

homemade scrub

There exist so many chemical scrubs in the market.  In the case where your skin is susceptible, you can get skin rashes if you use scrubs that don’t match your skin.

Then, why should you not choose going natural? Opt to scrub using the coconut oil. It will not only moisturize the skin naturally but also remove the dead skin cells. Coconut oil scrubs guarantee you a healthy natural skin.

7. Relief from Sunburns

Coconut oil has SPF 4, which keeps one’s skin safe from the sunrays radiation. Therefore, when the weather is too hot out, there always apply coconut oil before stepping out. It will hinder the penetration of radiations through your skin.

But in the case you have the sunburn already, you can apply the coconut oil on the areas as well. You will get the relief as it will reduce the damages that may be made on your skin by the sun.

When the skin has these burns, it is the antioxidant action of the coconut oil that will reduce the oxidative stress. Thus, this will give the skin a soothing effect.


Coconut oil offers your skin a variety of benefits that make the skin maintain its quality and texture. However, coconut oil can pose other benefits. They can act as effective and safe for allergies, cure chapped lips, and act as insect repellents.

Therefore, before buying the expensive cleansers and moisturizers, why not try coconut oil for a healthy and natural glow? For double benefits include it in your diet.

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