Blog Recent Studies Show That Human Conflict Was High Around 4500 BCE In The Middle East

Recent Studies Show That Human Conflict Was High Around 4500 BCE In The Middle East

Violencea and human conflict was not an uncommon factor in the building blocks of society from the beginning of time. Whether it is the Draconian punishments or the Colosseum fights of the ancient Roman empire. However, recent studies have shown acts of violence in the Middle East around 12000 BCE to 400 BCE.

On the history of conflict, this is a groundbreaking discovery. In later years, this will help psychologists and anthropologists understand the different patterns of conflict from one time and, most importantly, how these patterns reflect on the current mankind’s conflict design.

The archeological investigation was led by the University of Barcelona, and it was based on an approximately 3500 skeletal study.

What The Study Showed

Upon examining the different injuries on each skeletal structure, they deduced the following.

The human race has been through centuries of conflict; from hunts to war, there is a lot of unpacking. However, this study was able to shed light on some of it. Among the skeleton collection, interpersonal violence patterns varied from 12000 to 400 BCE. But, the highest point of human conflict and aggression dates from 4500 BCE to 3300 BCE.

Since migration was a common practice in the earlier BCE, rising aggression between two tribes settling in the same region is common. However, proof of such conflict is scattered and difficult to find. However, the studies have helped us understand this aspect of human society by studying more societal constructs. For example, burial sites, weapon artifacts, genetic analysis, and the type of trauma the weapons have caused.

The new study has highlighted a number of cranial damage(brain damage) from the 3539 skeletal remains, which indicated the rise of violence. Interpersonal conflicts might have led to deaths.

The studies also showed that such interpersonal conflict rose during the Chalcolithic period (4500 to 3300 BCE). Most of the skeleton findings were from regions like Turkey, Iraq, Iran, Syria, Lebanon, Israel, and Jordan.

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