Blog How to Speed Up Healing after a Nose surgery?

How to Speed Up Healing after a Nose surgery?

Many people who get rhinoplasty (nose surgery) cannot wait for the healing process to be over. But for best results, you have to remain patient. There are lots of steps that patients can take to make sure everything goes smoothly and that it heals as quickly as possible.

On average, it takes around 12 months for nose surgery to completely heal. A lot of people who undergo the surgery are unaware that it takes so long but don’t worry too much, because as time passes it becomes easier to manage. In this article, we will give you some useful tips for rhinoplasty aftercare.



There are lots of different milestones for those recovering from rhinoplasty. Although everybody recovery stories may differ, this is what you should expect:

  • Week 1: You can have the splint removed during the first week of recovery so that you can easily go out in public without others taking too much notice that you have had work done. Experts have advised us to wear face masks during the ongoing pandemic to help reduce the spread of Covid-19, so if you are self-conscious, wearing a mask will stop others from noticing. Some patients get bruises under their eyes after the operation that might swell up, if this is the case, it might take a couple of weeks to go back to normal.
  • Week 2: Most of the swelling will have disappeared.
  • Week 4: During the first two to three weeks, doctors recommended that patients should avoid doing physical exercise, however after four weeks you can back into cardiovascular activities, however, you will still have to refrain from doing strength exercises like weight lifting.
  • Week 6: By now, your bones should have stabilized so you can return to the gym and continue doing resistance exercises.
  • Week 16: The numb feeling in and around your nose should have vanished.
  • Week 52: Your nose and nasal passage should have fully healed by now.

Ask your Doctor for Advice about Speeding Up Your Recovery

Ask your Doctor for Advice about Speeding Up Your Recovery

If you have undergone nose surgery with a doctor who has plenty of experience, consider asking them for advice. Experienced doctors will have seen it all, and they will know everything about recovery, so make sure you follow everything they tell you to do. Although there is a wealth of information on the internet about speeding up the recovery process, your doctor will have spent years studying and practicing facial plastic surgery.

Once the operation is complete, your doctor will provide you with medication, and instruct you when to take them. Make sure you listen to your doctor carefully and write down the details so you don’t forget what to do. Many of these medications you will get are designed to fight against infection, so you must take them.

Stay Healthy

Stay Healthy

Maintaining a healthy diet when you recover from nose surgery is very important. It is one of the best ways of speeding up your recovery, so make sure that you eat plenty of foods that contain Vitamin A and Vitamin C. Consume plenty of healthy protein, including lean meats, eggs, fatty, and plain yogurts. All these foods are great for helping damaged tissue rebuild itself. Try and consume plenty of green leafy foods.

However, you might have to avoid exercising until your surgeon gives you the green light. It can take approximately five to six weeks for bones in and around your nose to heal. During the early stages of your recovery, you should avoid exercising. As things start to improve you can gradually go back to performing light exercises.

Avoid Wearing Glasses

Avoid Wearing Glasses

This can be a real issue for those who rely on glasses to see properly. If you can replace your current glasses with contact lenses, do so. If you don’t use contact lenses, it might be a good idea to see an optician before you get nose surgery. Glasses put pressure on your nose, which can have a major impact on the healing process. It can cause additional swelling and bruising. In some cases, glasses can cause so much damage that you might have to get surgery again.

If you have no choice but to wear glasses, speak to your surgeon for advice. They might be able to recommend a certain type of frame that won’t interfere with your recovery.

Although a year is a long time to recover, experts advise patients to stay out of the sun while they are recovering. It can cause the nose to scar and increase swelling, plus, you can easily get sunburnt on your nose. By staying out of the sun you won’t need to put on sunglasses either. If you out in the sun for a long time, consider wearing a hat and plenty of sunscreens.

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